Tracks and Springs

NOTE: Jambs, head framing and spring pads are not furnished by manufacturer. Jambs must be flush and level around the entire opening and not have any fasteners past the face of the framing material. The jamb must be continuous and flush.
- Spring pad location (1 or more) depends on door size and number of springs used. Contact factory for exact location. If pad is wood, use #2 or better southern yellow pine. Do not use wood labeled SPF.
- Minimum 2" x 6" jamb facing or 2-1/2" x 3/16" steel channel should be securely fastened to the building structure.
- Opening width is determined by jamb to jamb (not including stop molding).
- Opening height is determined by floor to bottom of header (not including stop molding).
- Verify required door sideroom for hardware.
- Verify required door headroom.
- Reverse Angle: Primarily used on steel and masonry jambs, but may be used on wood jambs or optional wood covered masonry jambs. The door will overlap 1" on both sides and will close and seal up against the optional vinyl molding. Thus door needs to be 2" wider than finished opening width.
- Bracket Mount: Used exclusively for wood or wood covered masonry jambs. Doors will close and seal up against the wood or vinyl stop molding. Typically the door size equals finished opening. Applied stop molding will reduce the true opening width by about 1".
- Continuous Angle: Used on larger doors on wood or wood covered masonry jambs. Doors will close and seal up against the wood or vinyl stop molding. Typically the door size equals finished opening. Applied stop molding will reduce the true opening width by about 1".
- Tracks: Track is 2" or 3" depending on size and preference..
- Vertical Tracks: Shall be minimum of 16-gauge galvanized steel tapered and mounted to provide wedge-shaped sealing action (2" track or 3" track, depending on door size).
- Horizontal Tracks: To be minimum 14-gauge galvanized steel, reinforced with minimum 13-gauge galvanized steel angles required. 3" track to be 12-gauge. All track, vertical mounting angles and brackets will be ASTM A-526 commercial quality steel minimum 16-gauge thickness, G-40 minimum hot dipped galvanized. Horizontal track will be reinforced with continuous angle of adequate length and gauge to prevent deflection.
- Spring Counterbalance: Door assembly to be operated by a torsion spring counterbalance mechanism, with a helically wound, oil tempered torsion spring mounted on a steel shaft. Cable drums are die cast aluminum with high strength galvanized aircraft cable with a minimum 7:1 safety factor. Shall be factory calibrated springs to match site specifications. Shall provide a minimum of 10,000 cycles. 25,000, 50,000, and 100,000 cycle springs are available.
- Shaft: Steel tube will be supplied depending on door size and springing, otherwise solid shaft will be supplied. Solid shaft, where tubing is standard, can be specified. All tubing/shafting will have a minimum of 3 load bearing plates side/spring anchors. Solid shaft is strongly recommended for Jackshaft operators.
Are you looking for replacement, installation or service for your garage door track? Use our Where to Buy locator to find a Clopay dealer near you, or view our Service & Support section for additional information.